Thursday, September 27, 2018

Sunday, September 16, 2018


A robot is a great tool to show what the programming can do. In the talk Oleksandra shared experience of making several different projects with kids of different age using a BB-8 robot. She inspire kids to program, having just a Mobile device and robot

Helped on stage to program BB-8 device on JAVA ZONE.

Check Video
Playing programming with kids using BB-8 robot : Oleksandra Dmytrenko

Oracle CPU and PSU patching, some useful notes

installing CPU from /tmp

chmod 777 /tmp/CPU_oracle -R
chown oracle.oinstall /opt/oracle/112/product/11.2.0/dbhome_2/bin/extjobO

substituting in bash_profile patch version with sed

cd /opt/oracle/
for i in `ls -a | grep ".bash_profile"`; do sed -s 's/jan2018/jul2018/g'  -i $i; done  #-i to save

deleting old Opatch in

mv /opt/oracle/112/product/11.2.0/dbhome_2/OPatch /opt/oracle/112/product/11.2.0/dbhome_2/OPatch.old

copy new Opatch

cp -r /tmp/CPU_oracle/cpujul2018/OPatch /opt/oracle/112/product/11.2.0/dbhome_2

cd /opt/oracle/

Creating backup of ORACLE_HOME and oraInventory

mv 112.tar.gz `date +%d-%m-%Y`_112.tar.gz
mv oraInventory.11g.tar.gz  `date +%d-%m-%Y`_oraInventory.tar.gz

tar -pczvf oraInventory.11g.tar.gz /opt/oracle/oraInventory.11g
tar -pczvf 112.tar.gz /opt/oracle/112/product/11.2.0/dbhome_2 

add new env to .bash_profile for faster patch installation

to .bash_profile

export version=cpujul2018
export cpu=/opt/oracle/112/product/11.2.0/dbhome_2/OPatch
#export cpu=/tmp/CPU_oracle/$version/OPatch
export PATH=$cpu:$PATH
export PATH=$PATH:/sbin
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/ccs/bin
alias cdcpu='cd /tmp/CPU_oracle/$version'
alias psuapply='unset ORACLE_PATH; cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin; sqlplus  "/as sysdba" <<aaa  @catbundle.sql psu apply aaa'
alias psuapply12='unset ORACLE_PATH;cd $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch;./datapatch -verbose '
export ORA_INVENTORY=/opt/oracle/oraInvenotry.11g

deleting old Opatch in  12c

mv /opt/oracle/122/product/12.2.0/dbhome_1/OPatch /opt/oracle/122/product/12.2.0/dbhome_1/OPatch.old
cp -r /tmp/CPU_oracle/cpujul2018/122/cpujul2018/OPatch /opt/oracle/122/product/12.2.0/dbhome_1/

new env 

export version=cpujul2018
export cpu=/opt/oracle/122/product/12.2.0/dbhome_1/OPatch
#export cpu=/tmp/CPU_oracle/$version/OPatch
export PATH=$cpu:$PATH
export PATH=$PATH:/sbin
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/ccs/bin
alias cdcpu='cd /tmp/CPU_oracle/$version'
alias psuapply='unset ORACLE_PATH; cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin; sqlplus  "/as sysdba" <<aaa  @catbundle.sql psu apply aaa'
alias psuapply12='unset ORACLE_PATH;cd $ORACLE_HOME/OPatch;./datapatch -verbose '
export ORA_INVENTORY=/opt/oracle/oraInvenotry.11g

for fixing one bug in JUL2018 psu

chown oracle.oinstall /opt/oracle/112/product/11.2.0/dbhome_2/bin/extjobO

Editorial in OraWorld e-Magazine

Nowadays, we all tend to improve every aspect of our lives. As user groups, we constantly aim at improving our conferences, and of course this magazine, and we use more and more machines in order to improve visualization and performance.

Find out in e-magazine #10 my articles: .
Check page 3 and 27-33 what I wrote
How can be used to make our (work) lives easier and safer?

The issue also focuses on remote working, the current state of bioprinting, funny network names and my article about drones.

I am in editorial team, have some articles also here in Issue 7 and 8

ORAWORLD article with LVOUG issue Nr 7
ORAWORLD article with LVOUG issue Nr 8

Have a nice reading.